Thursday, July 28, 2011


Journal entry: Driving up the Himalayan mountains in India

July 14th:
“I had an absolutely amazing moment with God on my ride up the mountains yesterday. We had a 3 hour drive to the compound. It was the most amazing scenic drive I've ever taken. I've always been someone that connects and sees God easily in nature. Have had the greatest moments with Him in His amazing creation. The sun was setting and fog was creeping in over the mountains in the most beautiful way. It was like smoke spiraling up the mountain like a snake and then lightly covered the valley floor below it as well. Then the most beautiful display of green trees and plants. Every type of fern, ivy, palm, weeping willow-type trees covered every cliff and mountain. Every once in awhile there were trees with beautiful droopy white flowers that had the sweetest smell. Then you would see monkeys swinging in the trees or a group of them sitting near the road waiting for someone to throw them food. Then when the sun fully set, you could hear the coolest noises of birds, monkeys, frogs, insects, etc. All five of your senses were fully entertained at all times. But the best part was yet to come! When we got out of the car it was PITCH BLACK! Couldn't see an inch in front of your face and then.....I saw them! FIRE FLIES!!!! So beautiful! I felt like I was in Avatar! I was completely captivated and awestruck with God's creation. So beautiful you feel like it's a dream.”

No matter where I am at, whether it's on the beach in Huntington watching the waves crash under a beautiful sunset, in Zimbabwe standing in the mist of the powerful Victoria Falls, in Yellowstone looking at the snowy landscape or driving up the Himalayas in India, I always have the same feeling: Insignificance. Our God is so big and we are so ridiculously small. All creation is His and sings His praise. Unfortunately, the creation that doesn't speak seems to praise Him sometimes better and more often than the creation that does speak.

It was as I was driving up the Himalayas that God touched my heart once again. The band Casting Crowns was being played in the car at the time and some of the lyrics were hitting home. “You don't need me but you want me as a part of your plan.” I am so small....SO SMALL and insignificant compared to Him and all He has going on but He wants ME! God is so good.

The rest of my trip has flown by so fast since I left the Philippines. I'm so sad with every day that passes bc it means it's one day closer to being over. I love and miss my family and friends but I'm not ready to come home.

I have been so busy that I haven't really had time to update my blog and add more pictures to facebook. I don't know if I will have time before I get home but if I don't then I will update it first thing when I do get home so everyone can hear details on the AMAZING things God has done and I know will continue to do in the final days of this trip. **tear tear**

By the way, my eye is better but now please pray for my feet! Don't know what the deal is but they have been killing me this last week. Think my mind and heart are still ready and excited to work but I think my body is getting tired. Less than 2 weeks...come on body! You can do it!

Congrats Mike and Sara on Blake Micheal! He's such a cutie! Can't wait to meet him!!! Love you guys!

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