Sunday, May 29, 2011

WE leave tonight!

So it definitely hasn’t hit me yet. I’m sitting in my family room in my pjs with my laptop. My dad is watching the drag races on tv, my mom sitting next to him reading a book on her book reader and Jamie is at the computer looking at facebook. Just a normal Sunday morning, nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact I’M LEAVING TONIGHT TO TRAVEL THE WORLD FOR THREE MONTHS! What the!? One of my favorite people in the whole world, Candace, threw a girls going away party for me and we also had a bonfire yesterday and I kept forgetting that these parties were for me. It just seemed like a fun party and every once in awhile I’d realize, oh wait, they’re all here because I’m leaving!!

I have been so ridiculously blessed with everyone’s support so far for this trip and I haven’t even left yet! I had a huge garage sale fundraiser and raised over $1000! How is that even possible?!! Totally God hooking me up! The most expensive item I sold at my garage sale was $60 and I made over $1000. I’m still in awe! Thanks to all my friends and family for helping and donating their stuff to me! Besides the garage sale, I have had a HUGE response from all the letters I sent out. Not only that but people who I’ve never met before would shake my hand and leave $100 bill in it. Throughout this whole experience I’ve learned that this isn’t my trip that I’ve planned, it’s totally Gods. As if He was saying, “ok, plan your trip and I’ll tweak it to what I want.” Some of what I originally planned out has changed and I may not know why at the time but I believe that God has me going exactly where He wants me to be going on this trip. Whether it’s because of safety reasons, or if there is one person that needs a hug in a different part of the world than I thought, He knew every second of this trip and how it would work out before I was even born. And that’s how much He loves His people, He would change my flights and have me go to a completely different country to reach ONE person if that’s what they needed and He’d move the world to get to YOU too if you needed it. He has provided the money for this trip and he continues to provide connections with organizations and families from all over the world to help out with my travels. I am so overwhelmed with all that God has done this far and I HAVEN’T EVEN LEFT YET!

Today is not even close to the beginning of this trip. God had placed this on my heart to do a long time ago and it just seemed like the time was NOW to go. I remember back in January I was talking with some of my girlfriends and was saying that I had such an anticipation and expectant feeling in my heart and I have no idea what it is or when it’s coming but I know that it was going to be huge and knock my socks off! I know that God has huge things for my future but I also know that God has HUGE things in store for this trip and I can’t help but think that that feeling in January was preparation for what’s to happen on this trip and in the near future of my life! I know for a fact that when I get home I’ll have many “I would have NEVER thought God was going to do that” moments and I’m ready, and staying flexible to what HE wants to do on this trip. So stay tuned because with all of the prayers, love and support from all of you, I have been and will continue to be positioned well to take charge and take action! Like I said in my letter, through your giving and prayers, it’s not only my hands holding the kids and loving the lost, it’s OURS! Here we go…we leave tonight! First stop….Australia!